7 Tips to Score a Sugar Daddy for Gay Men in Dubai

Ah, my daring readers, brace yourselves as I whisk you away on my latest adventure – a move from the hums of Beirut to the glitz of Dubai. Picture this: After a six-month boring stay in San Francisco being overworked, your globe-trotting, blog-writing protagonist has landed in Dubai to stay for the entire year! And let me tell you, darling, even with a salary that has more digits than my phone number, I can already sense the urgent need for a sugar daddy in this city. A mere glance at the eye-wateringly expensive drinks menu at my DIFC hotel is enough to convince anyone that securing a sugar daddy isn’t just a luxury here, it’s practically a financial strategy to keep my savings plan from going up in smoke during my year-long sojourn.

Before diving into the heart of sugar daddy safari tactics and on my first day in the city, I invited a few American friends who live in Dubai. Picture this: a dazzling assemblage of my gay comrades, each more fabulous than a Broadway diva on opening night. In America, they might be your run-of-the-mill glitterati, but here, they’re like icons in a fashion parade, draped in brands so exclusive, they’d make a Vogue editor blush.

There they were, the best trainers in Sugar Daddy Hunting I could be with. I mean, their salaries can’t afford the cars they came in with, so yeah, they’re the ones who can best train a newbie like me.

As we gathered, radiating more luxury than a Monaco yacht club, I casually broached the subject of sugar daddy scouting. And bam! The first revelation hit me like a designer handbag to the face – in Dubai, the quest for a sugar daddy is more competitive than a sample sale at Chanel. The supply is not only every escort on Grindr (and they’re many), but also many entrepreneurs, CEOs, CFOs, CMOs, CIO (Chief Influencer Officer), and the list goes wider than the options available on LinkedIn.

I am always up for the competition, so I listened to the stories around the table and came up with these tips for myself, and of course darlings, with you all. I care, so I share.

1. Dress to Impress, Darling!

First things first, in the land of opulence, one must look the part. Investing in your wardrobe is not just a necessity; it’s a religion here. Think sleek clothing, designer watches, hair styled to perfection, and grooming that would make Greek gods envious. Remember, you’re not just dressing up, you’re curating an exhibit at the museum of fabulousness!

2. The ‘Bee’ Strategy: Honey, We Need Some Ladies!

This might sound like a plot twist in a soap opera, but having stunning women as your wing-women is the secret sauce. You, the suave charmer, flanked by a bevy of beauties. It’s like being a beekeeper in a garden of exotic flowers – you’re there for the honey, but the bees make it all the more enticing.

3. High-End Haunts Are Your New Haute Hangouts

Darlings, if you’re hunting for a sugar daddy, you won’t find him at your local dive bar. The key is to frequent places where the champagne flows like water and the caviar is served by the spoonful. Think swanky rooftop bars, exclusive clubs, and gourmet restaurants where the bill makes you want to weep tears of Dom Pérignon.

4. Flaunt Your Fabulousness, But Stay Mysterious

It’s all about striking the perfect balance between being the life of the party and a man of mystery. Be the conversation starter, the charmer who can talk about everything from Gucci to geopolitics. But remember, darling, always leave them wanting more!

5. The Art of Subtle Flirtation

In the world of sugar daddy scouting, subtlety is your best friend. It’s like a delicate dance of glances, casual touches, and teasing words. Think of it as playing chess, but with flirtatious gestures instead of pawns.

6. Social Media Savvy: Your Digital Catwalk

In this era, your Instagram is your resume, your Facebook is your portfolio, and your Twitter is your personal advertisement. Showcase a life that screams luxury, leisure, and a hint of enigma. Make every post a testament to your chic lifestyle and watch as the suitors slide into your DMs.

7. Be the Prize, Not the Hunter

Finally, my dears, always remember: You are the prize. It’s not about finding a sugar daddy; it’s about drawing them to you. You’re not just a diamond in the rough – you’re a whole jewelry store!

So there you have it, my guide to securing a sugar daddy in the land of riches. While I embark on this glittering quest, I’ll keep you updated with every misstep, miscalculation, and, fingers crossed, success stories. Stay tuned, and remember, in the game of love and luxury, always play to win!

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